Privacy Policy

It is the policy of to respect your privacy and the privacy of all visitors. This policy statement has been established to help you understand our commitment to protecting your privacy, and the steps we take to ensure it. We do reserve the right to modify our policy from time to time, so we encourage you to check back frequently. collects certain information voluntarily filled in by customers so that the Company may provide a personalized experience to its registered members. This information includes names, addresses, telephone/fax numbers, or email addresses. This information will be kept strictly confidential and will not be sold, reused, rented, loaned, or otherwise disclosed to anyone outside, and our necessary service providers. We use this information only to answer your requests for information, or to better understand your needs.

Tracking Technology’s website uses small files called “cookies” which may be attached to your Web browser. The use of this technology helps us recognize you when you visit our website and thus allows us to personalize your online experience.

Child Protection complies with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, which requires the consent of a parent or guardian for the collection of personally identifiable information from children under 13 years old.

Revisions to this Policy reserves the right, at our discretion, to change, modify, add, or remove portions of this Policy at any time. Any changes in our policy will be posted here, so we encourage you to revisit this section frequently.

Links from’s site may take you to sites not covered by this Privacy Policy. We provide those links as a convenience to you and take no responsibility for the protection of your privacy on those other sites. We encourage you to check the Privacy Policy of any site you visit.

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